Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Free English Lesson, Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Analogies, Similes, & Metaphors
Recorded Live on the Internet
8 PM Beijing Time AND 8 PM GMT
Wednesday, May 27, 2009


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Text for this Lesson


An analogy is about the way words (and things) relate to one another. You often get analogy word problems on tests. That kind of analogy is made up of two pairs of words, like this:

PUPPY: DOG :: kitten: _____

What you are expected to do is to find a word which correctly completes the second pair. To solve the problem, you need to figure out what the relationship is. First, read out the analogy:

Puppy is to dog as kitten is to _____ ?

Now it's easy to figure out. A puppy is a young dog, so what's a kitten? A young cat. The answer is "cat."

There are many different ways that words can relate, for example:

They can mean the same thing (be synonyms):
WORK: LABOR :: tidy: neat

They can sound alike or be spelled the same way (be homonyms):
SEE: SEA :: write: right
They can mean opposite things (be antonyms):
BEAUTIFUL: UGLY :: graceful: clumsy
They can be parts of a whole:
LEG:MAN :: wheel: bike
They can be ingredients:
PINEAPPLE: JELLY :: tomato: jam
They can be descriptions (size, shape, color, texture, etc.):
MINK: SOFT :: mold: fuzzy
BLUE: SKY :: green: tree
Or they can describe a cause and action:
OWL: HOOTS :: fan: whirs

How would you complete this analogy?
BLUE: BLEW :: red: ______

How are these words related?
Is there more than one way?

Similes and Metaphors

Metaphors and similes are both ways to compare things. We use metaphors and similes every day, but it can be hard to remember just which is which.

A metaphor is when you say something is something. A simile is when you say something is like something. For example, let's say you have a mean stepfather. If you say, "my stepfather is a bear," that's a metaphor. But if you say, "my stepfather is like a bear," that's a simile.

It's easy if you remember this: if two things are compared with the use of the words "like" or "as," that's a simile. A simile is what's called an open comparison. One memory aid is that you find the letter "i" in both "like" and "simile." But if there's no "like" or "as," that's a hidden comparison -- a metaphor.



her hair was like silk

her hair was silk

mean as Oscar the Grouch

meaner than Oscar the Grouch

the ship went down like lead

dead fish are polished marble

light as a feather

those figures are fishy

busy as a bee

car salesmen are sharks

her gaze was like ice

her gaze was icy

Practice using similes and metaphors to describe people , places, and things in your life.


You might be interested in my English Corners,
on-line open discussion activities
for ESL/EFL students.

These badges show the dates and times of the
next English Corners in YOUR TIME ZONE

All or parts of any lesson or English Corner
may be recorded for rebroadcast

Address questions and comments
to goldensilkmonkey@yahoo.com

See you on-line soon! ;-)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Free English Lesson, Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Idioms, Slang, & Jargon
Recorded Live on the Internet
8 PM Beijing Time AND 8 PM GMT
Wednesday, May 20, 2009


OR Listen to 8 PM GMT lesson


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My Skype name is jinsehou


Click below to see the time for the next
free lesson IN YOUR TIME ZONE!


Please click & watch this short video
before the lesson

You will need this answer sheet
for the lesson
Cvery easy
Don the table but still unofficial
Ethe best
Fcontinues to be servile and brown-nose his boss
Hmake a living
Iis an intelligent person
Jshow admiration
Lshare confidential information
means to a big income with little effort
a little out of touch with reality
Qproblematic issues
Ra little crazy
Sreally likes
Tthe type of person he likes


You might be interested in my English Corners,
on-line open discussion activities
for ESL/EFL students.

These badges show the dates and times of the
next English Corners in YOUR TIME ZONE!

All or parts of any lesson or English Corner
may be recorded for rebroadcast

Address questions and comments to goldensilkmonkey@yahoo.com

See you on-line soon! ;-)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Fun Quiz for You!





One is Teacher Monkey

One is Monkey Teacher

And one is both

Can you decide which monkey is which?

We will discuss the answers
as well as idioms and slang during the
Wednesday, May 20, 8 PM, Beijing Time & GMT
The date and time in YOUR TIME ZONE appears below
Press PLAY to hear an introduction

Add 8 hours to Idioms and Slang #1
to get the time for Idioms and Slang #2

Go to the TalkShoe call page to find and follow
the Free Weekly English Lessons on TalkShoe

Write to me at goldensilkmonkey@yahoo.com
for details on joining the live lessons

The live lessons are recorded for rebroadcast

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Practice Your "P's" With Peter Piper

Here is an English tongue twister you can use to practice the "P" sound.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked;
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Click here to hear a recording that will help you.

You might also be interested in my English Corner, an on-line open discussion activity designed for ESL/EFL students. Native speakers often attend and it is available every weekend in every time zone.

This badge shows the date and time of the next English Corner in YOUR TIME ZONE.

Add 12 hours to English Corner #1 to get the time for English Corner #2 in any time zone. See you on-line soon! ;-)

Write to me at goldensilkmonkey@yahoo.com for email updates regarding my English activities.